


Dear Parents of our wards,

Without the cooperation of the parents, the success of the students is not possible. So please make a note of these instructions carefully;

  • The home work to the students is given every day. In order to know the homework of your child, please consult the diary regularly. The parents need to sign in the diary only after the completion of your child’s homework. If you want to notify any important things regarding the academics of the students, please feel free to mention that in the diary.
  • Check your child’s class work notes, homework notes and test notes often. If they are not corrected within the 15 days span of time, it can be notified to the Heads of the Institution.
  • The students of all the classes have to strictly avoid taking leaves and permissions. However, genuine reasons will be accepted such as sick, death of close relatives, celebrations of own family. But all the other sorts of leaves must be strictly avoided.
  • In case of any leave of the students, prior notification should be handed over to the class teachers concerned. In case of emergency, the leave should be notified over the phone or leave letter has to be submitted either by the parents in person or through the fellow students or it can be handed over to the class teacher the next day.
  • You should make sure that your child goes to school with full uniform including the Wednesday’s uniform regularly. In this case, any sort of irregularity will not be entertained.
  • You should regularly monitor your child that the nails and hair have been properly and regularly clipped and scissored.
  • For the smooth conduct of the school, the parents should really understand that the fees should be paid on time.
  • Parents and Teachers meetings will be conducted on every term. The dates of the meetings will be informed well in advance so as to make all the parents attend the meeting.
  • “The level of success is determined by the level of discipline”. We, the SSM, are very particular and keen on developing the moral behaviour along with self-discipline of the students. So the parents are asked to cooperate with us in any sorts of disciplinary activities.