

Hubs of Learning (HOL)

HoL is a collaborative partnership among the schools in the same area. HoL includes a group of 4 to 6 schools in the area. CBSE will assign the schools under HoL. Also, being a
part of HoL is mandatory for all the schools. The board will assign a unique number to HoL formed on the basis of state, district and city. The board is planning to execute it latest by July 2019.

The ‘Aims’ of the NCC laid out in 1988 have stood the test of time and continue to meet the requirements expected of it in the current socio–economic scenario of the country. The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Further, it aims at creating a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also provides an environment conducive to motivate young Indians to join the armed forces.

Considering these things in our mind, we have introduced NCC in the academic year 2018- 2019. The cadets of our school have been attending camps across the state. In the academic year 2019- 2020, ATC (Annual Training Camp) was held in our own premises.485 students, mostly from the rural background, enjoyed the services of our school.



In order to expose the students to new experiences, the students are sent to field trips to important places which arouse interest, engagements towards life and education.

To promote democracy, integrity, amiability, the students need to work in team. The council of the students was selected by the fellow students through voting. The members of the students council engage themselves in various developmental activities.



English is a universal language which is spoken all over the world. As the medium of instruction in CBSE, English has been given utmost care. A group of students named English Commandos have been engaging themselves in promoting English communication amidst the students.